5 Apr 1998


Something within me is smiling aloud
And flickering tunes are dancing around
I don't know what to call it yet
Excitement, harmony or tranquility

It is peaceful and rhythmic, but dynamic,
It is flowing about and making me dance
Were I to ignore its call and sit still
My blood would gush out of my veins
And swim around in graceful movements

All I have to do is stretch out my arms
And i feel a breeze just lifts me up

Oh I'm lost, I'm just a witness
To the rhythms that have possessed me
My arms and legs are no more me
This heart and head have never been mine
They are but a part of these graceful movements
That are taking place within and without


  1. Something in me is very quite
    like the the silence between the drum beats
    like the hush six feet inside the lake
    like the room left empty by giggling children
    All i have to do now is quietly listen

  2. loved the expression
    "smiling aloud"


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