9 Mar 2020

Walking Away

Walking away is an art
Walking away is a skill
Walking away out of choice
Walking away when i will

I used to think I was weak
Because people had made it a wrongness
But now I actually realize
That this is also my strongness

People called me afraid
They said I was running away
And that I should be brave
And have the courage to stay

I now see that I do have courage
To leave things behind and walk
In fact I overcame my fears
Of how others would judge and talk

We can make leaving wrong
And we can make leaving right
But leaving is also a chance to let go
Of stuff we are holding very tight

That stuff could be good for us
That stuff could be bad for us
But when good and bad are so relative
Why get trapped in all that fuss?

What if leaving is just an art
What if leaving is just a skill
What if leaving is just a choice
That you exercise when you will

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