26 Apr 2021

Crafting Our Lives

Come join me now
As we craft our lives
Creating our own nectar
In our own beehives

Nurturing the gardens
In our heart and head
Sowing new seeds
Allowing the old to shed

Embracing more as our life
Dreaming big and bold
Beyond lies we inherited
And stories we were told

Creating spaces outside 
Where there is no fear
Where all life is precious
And every soul dear

Crafting our lives
Setting ourselves free
Choosing consciously
To be the miracle we Be

11 Apr 2021

When you feel like you don't belong?

What do you do

When you feel you don't belong

Do you give up your art

Do you give up your song

What do you do

When nobody replies

To your sincere observations

To your heartfelt cries

What do you do 

When nobody comments

On your posts and writings

On your soulful vents

What do you do 

When nobody laughs

At your original jokes

Or your witty faffs

Do you give up creating

Do you give up sharing

Do you give up speaking

Do you give up baring

Or do you keep being YOU

Do you keep on going

No matter the response

Do you keep on flowing

Do you own your art

And the art of being you

As something you yourself

Will back yourself do

For if you give up YOU

To fit in for their sake

You are no longer you

And you turn into a fake

Would you choose you as original

Over mimicked or fake

Just for yourself 

For your very own sake?

They might wake up later

And worship your art

Include you in their groups

And make you a part

Or they might never

Ever, see the way you see

And even with that possibility

Your uniqueness will you BE?

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