25 Aug 2018

Time, Mind and Life

Time did not exist before I was born
Time will not exist after I die
Time only exists in my mind
The mind that takes me low and high

Speed did not exist before I was born
Speed will not exist after I die
Speed is just a fantasy of the mind
A fantasy into which I buy

Measures did not exist before I was born
Measures will not exist after I die
Measures are just creations of my mind
To which my self esteem I tie

But Life existed before I was born
And life will exist after I die
In creatures of many shapes and forms
And bodies that crawl, swim and fly

This stream of Life is calling to me
To experience joy and bliss in the now
Beyond measurement, beyond time
Beyond what the mind will allow

I feel it in the expanse of the sky
I experience it in the dance of leaves
I sense it as a caress of the breeze
Beyond the movie my mind sees

And here is a facebook live video where I give some context about the writing of this poem: https://www.facebook.com/ramya.ranganathan.52/videos/2598404673510443/

1 comment:

  1. It is a very nice poem Mam. I am really impressed by your knowledge about life !


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