11 Sept 2014

Good Enough?

'You are not good enough'
The voice arises again
That very intimidating voice
That has caused me so much pain

You're not a good enough mother
You're not a good enough wife
You're not a good enough daughter
You're not good enough for life

You're not a good enough friend
You're not a good enough teacher
You're not a good enough player
You're not a good enough creature

I cannot run away from it
This voice is in my head
So today I choose to question
And dialogue with it instead

What is this good enough
Is it something even defined
Or is it a moving target
That will always leave me behind

Who decides this good enough
My mother, my father, my friends
My culture and it's customs
Or fashion and it's trends

I think 'Good Enough' is an idea
Whose time has come to go
So we can embrace ourselves
With love from head to toe

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