Come on now! I told Competition
You can't just show up here
This is a space I hold very sacred
A space that is extremely dear
“Exactly why I came” - she said
For what fun is it otherwise
The more the space is dear to you
The more important will be the prize
Prize? I gasped, I don't want one
Please just let me be alone
Just go away, don't tempt me here
With the glitter of a throne
“You know you could be the queen”
She softly whispered to me
“The winner, the star, number one
A hero for all to see”
I looked at her, I looked at me
I looked at the path we had tread
She had not just followed me here
In captivity she had been led
I had created her, I could free her
But who would I be without her
Who would I be without a proof
That I was better than another
Would I dare to set her free today
And walk ahead on my own
Knowing there would be no reference
In the ways that I could be known
I realized then that she was pregnant
Her baby was the ‘need to be seen’
So I set them free both together
And I freed me from who I had been
I swirled and twisted once again
To become the invisible magic I be
I dropped my need to show or prove
And just basked in being Me