22 May 2016


There is a fire in my heart
A fire in my soul
A fire that is strong and bright

The fire just burns
For a fire knows to burn
Into sparks of heat and light

There are tears in my eyes
And pools in my heart
And streams streak down my cheeks

Water will flow
For water knows to flow
From the springs and through the creeks

There is space in my being
And space all around
Both outside and inside me

Space will exist
For space always did
And this space is what I be

10 May 2016


Alone, Alone, completely Alone
Was I about to shed a tear?
Alone, Alone, completely Alone
Is it even real, this flicker of fear?

Alone, Alone, completely Alone
With fleeting feelings of imagined sorrow
Alone, Alone, completely Alone
I have nobody else’s stories to borrow

Alone, Alone, completely Alone
No distractions here to divert my mind
Alone, Alone, completely Alone
My own pretenses I start to find

Alone, Alone, completely Alone
This is my cherished date with me
Alone, Alone, completely Alone
Now slowly my Truth I get to see

8 May 2016

Cool Lovely Breeze

Cool Lovely Breeze, who came after so long
I sit here listening to your swishing song
I feel on my skin, your gentle caress
As you wash away my summer stress
I welcome you with all my love
As you flirt with the trees and birds above
Now you pick up speed and choose to play
With twirling seeds and branches that sway
I hope you know how wonderful you are
With or without that promised rainshower

And Funnily, just as I finish penning this sonnet the clouds burst into huge pearly droplets of drizzle............how does it get any better than that! :-)

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